Title: | Analysis and Imputation of Categorical-Variable Datasets with Missing Values |
Description: | Performs analysis of categorical-variable with missing values. Implements methods from Schafer, JL, Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data, Chapman and Hall. |
Authors: | Ported to R by Ted Harding and Fernando Tusell. Original by Joseph L. Schafer <[email protected]>. |
Maintainer: | Fernando Tusell <[email protected]> |
License: | file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.0-9 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 03:48:08 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/cat |
Data on driver injury and seat belt use.
The data frame belt.frame
contains the following columns:
Injury to driver (I1=Reported by police, I2=Follow up
Belt use (B1=Reported by police, B2=Follow up
Damage to vehicle (high, low)
Sex: Male or Female
A matrix belt
with similarly named columns exists that can be input
directly to functions which do not admit data frames. Both the data
frame and matrix include all complete and incomplete cases, from the
police reports and follow up study.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Section 7.4.3, which cites
Hochberg, Y. (1977) On the use of double sampling schemes in analyzing categorical data with misclassification errors, JASA, vol. 71, p. 914-921.
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating posterior draws of cell probabilities under a hierarchical loglinear model
bipf(table,margins, prior=0.5, start, steps=1, showits=FALSE)
bipf(table,margins, prior=0.5, start, steps=1, showits=FALSE)
table |
contingency table (array) to be fitted by a log-linear model. All elements must be non-negative. |
margins |
vector describing the marginal totals to be fitted. A margin is described by the factors not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate fitting the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association. |
prior |
optional array of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet
prior distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all
hyperparameters = .5). If structural zeros appear in |
start |
starting value for the algorithm. The default is a uniform table. If
structural zeros appear in |
steps |
number of cycles of Bayesian IPF to be performed. |
showits |
if |
array like table
, but containing simulated cell probabilities that
satisfy the loglinear model. If the algorithm has converged, this will
be a draw from the actual posterior distribution of the parameters.
The random number generator seed must be set at least once by the
function rngseed
before this function can be used.
The starting value must lie in the interior of the parameter space.
Hence, caution should be used when using a maximum likelihood
estimate (e.g., from ipf
) as a starting value. Random zeros in a
table may produce mle's with expected cell counts of zero, and any
zero in a starting value is interpreted by bipf
as a structural
zero. This difficulty can be overcome by using as a starting value
calculated by ipf
after adding a small positive constant (e.g.,
1/2) to each cell.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.
data(HairEyeColor) # load data m=c(1,2,0,1,3,0,2,3) # no three-way interaction thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor,margins=m, showits=TRUE) # fit model thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor+.5,m) # find an interior starting value rngseed(1234567) # set random generator seed theta <- bipf(HairEyeColor,m, start=thetahat,prior=0.5, steps=50) # take 50 steps
data(HairEyeColor) # load data m=c(1,2,0,1,3,0,2,3) # no three-way interaction thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor,margins=m, showits=TRUE) # fit model thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor+.5,m) # find an interior starting value rngseed(1234567) # set random generator seed theta <- bipf(HairEyeColor,m, start=thetahat,prior=0.5, steps=50) # take 50 steps
Victimization status of households on two occasions.
The matrix crimes
contains the following columns:
Victimization status on first occasion (1=No, 2=Yes)
Victimization status on second occasion (1=No, 2=Yes)
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Section 7.4.3, which cites
Kadane, J.B. (1985) Is victimization chronic? A Bayesian Analysis of multinomial missing data, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 29, p. 47-67.
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating draws from the
observed-data posterior distribution of underlying cell probabilities
under a saturated multinomial model. May be used in conjunction with
to create proper multiple imputations.
da.cat(s, start, prior=0.5, steps=1, showits=FALSE)
da.cat(s, start, prior=0.5, steps=1, showits=FALSE)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
start |
starting value of the parameter. This is an array of cell
probabilities of dimension |
prior |
optional array of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet prior
distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all hyperparameters =
supplied with hyperparameters set to |
steps |
number of data augmentation steps to be taken. Each step consists of an imputation or I-step followed by a posterior or P-step. |
showits |
if |
At each step, the missing data are randomly imputed under their
predictive distribution given the observed data and the current value
of theta
(I-step), and then a new value of theta
is drawn from its
Dirichlet posterior distribution given the complete data (P-step).
After a suitable number of steps are taken, the resulting value of the
parameter may be regarded as a random draw from its observed-data
posterior distribution.
When the pattern of observed data is close to a monotone pattern, then
is preferred because it will tend to converge more quickly.
an array like start
containing simulated cell probabilities.
IMPORTANT: The random number generator seed must be set at least once
by the function rngseed
before this function can be used.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data, Chapman & Hall, Chapter 7.
, rngseed
, mda.cat
, imp.cat
data(crimes) x <- crimes[,-3] counts <- crimes[,3] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # find ML estimate under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random number generator seed theta <- da.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from MLE ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute once under theta theta <- da.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute again under new theta
data(crimes) x <- crimes[,-3] counts <- crimes[,3] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # find ML estimate under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random number generator seed theta <- da.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from MLE ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute once under theta theta <- da.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute again under new theta
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating draws from the
observed-data posterior distribution of underlying cell probabilities
under hierarchical loglinear models. May be used in conjunction with
to create proper multiple imputations.
dabipf(s, margins, start, steps=1, prior=0.5, showits=FALSE)
dabipf(s, margins, start, steps=1, prior=0.5, showits=FALSE)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
margins |
vector describing the marginal totals to be fitted. A margin is described by the factors not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate fitting the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association. |
start |
starting value of the parameter. The starting value should lie in the
interior of the parameter space for the given loglinear model. If
structural zeros are present, |
steps |
number of complete cycles of data augmentation-Bayesian IPF to be performed. |
prior |
optional array of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet
prior distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all
hyperparameters = .5). If structural zeros are present, a prior
should be supplied with hyperparameters set to |
showits |
if |
array of simulated cell probabilities that satisfy the loglinear model. If the algorithm has converged, this will be a draw from the actual posterior distribution of the parameters.
The random number generator seed must be set at least once by the
function rngseed
before this function can be used.
The starting value must lie in the interior of the parameter space.
Hence, caution should be used when using a maximum likelihood estimate
(e.g., from ecm.cat
) as a starting value. Random zeros in a table
may produce mle's with expected cell counts of zero. This difficulty
can be overcome by using as a starting value a posterior mode
calculated by ecm.cat
with prior hyperparameters greater than one.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.
# # Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version, # using a much shorter length of chain than required. To # generate results comparable with those in the book, edit # the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one. # data(belt) attach(belt.frame) EB <- ifelse(B1==B2,1,0) EI <- ifelse(I1==I2,1,0) belt.frame <- cbind(belt.frame,EB,EI) colnames(belt.frame) a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + EB + EI, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),c(1,5), c(1,6),c(2,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB2I2)B2I2EBEI)(DEB)(DEI)(SEI) # in Schafer's p. 304 a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6), c(1,3,5),c(1,4,6),c(2,4,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2) # (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329 s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7]) m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6) theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558 maxits=5000) # iterations. rngseed(1234) # # Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are # generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation. # Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Shchafer's p. 329 # imputations <- vector("list",10) for (i in 1:10) { cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n") theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next # statement should be run, # rather than this one. ## Not run: theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500) imputations[[i]] <- imp.cat(s,theta) } detach(belt.frame) # # Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.) # # Caveat! I try to reproduce what has been done in that page, but although # the general appearance of the boxplots generated below is quite similar to # that of Schafer's Fig. 8.4 (p. 327), the VALUES of the log odds do not # quite fall in line with those reported by said author. It doesn't look like # the difference can be traced to decimal vs. natural logs. On the other hand, # Fig. 8.4 refers to log odds, while the text near the end of page 327 gives # 1.74 and 1.50 as the means of the *odds* (not log odds). FT, 22.7.2003. # # data(older) # reading data x <- older[,1:6] # preliminary manipulations counts <- older[,7] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) colnames(x) # names of columns rngseed(1234) m <- c(1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,5,6,0,4,3) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in # Schafer's p. 327 # do analysis with different priors theta <- ecm.cat(s,m,prior=1.5) # Strong pull to uniform table # for initial estimates prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Burn-in period prior=0.1) prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Id. with second prior prior=1.5) lodds <- matrix(0,5000,2) # Where to store log odds ratios. oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table. o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/ (x[1,2]*x[2,1]) return(o) } for(i in 1:5000) { # Now generate 5000 log odds prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,prob1, prior=0.1) t1 <- apply(prob1,c(1,2),sum) # Marginal GD table # Log odds ratio lodds[i,1] <- log(oddsr(t1)) prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,prob2, prior=1.5) # Id. with second prior t2 <- apply(prob2,c(1,2),sum) lodds[i,2] <- log(oddsr(t2)) } lodds <- as.data.frame(lodds) colnames(lodds) <- c("0.1","1.5") # Similar to Schafer's Fig. 8.4. boxplot(lodds,xlab="Prior hyperparameter") title(main="Log odds ratio generated with DABIPF (5000 draws)") summary(lodds)
# # Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version, # using a much shorter length of chain than required. To # generate results comparable with those in the book, edit # the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one. # data(belt) attach(belt.frame) EB <- ifelse(B1==B2,1,0) EI <- ifelse(I1==I2,1,0) belt.frame <- cbind(belt.frame,EB,EI) colnames(belt.frame) a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + EB + EI, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),c(1,5), c(1,6),c(2,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB2I2)B2I2EBEI)(DEB)(DEI)(SEI) # in Schafer's p. 304 a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6), c(1,3,5),c(1,4,6),c(2,4,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2) # (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329 s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7]) m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6) theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558 maxits=5000) # iterations. rngseed(1234) # # Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are # generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation. # Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Shchafer's p. 329 # imputations <- vector("list",10) for (i in 1:10) { cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n") theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next # statement should be run, # rather than this one. ## Not run: theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500) imputations[[i]] <- imp.cat(s,theta) } detach(belt.frame) # # Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.) # # Caveat! I try to reproduce what has been done in that page, but although # the general appearance of the boxplots generated below is quite similar to # that of Schafer's Fig. 8.4 (p. 327), the VALUES of the log odds do not # quite fall in line with those reported by said author. It doesn't look like # the difference can be traced to decimal vs. natural logs. On the other hand, # Fig. 8.4 refers to log odds, while the text near the end of page 327 gives # 1.74 and 1.50 as the means of the *odds* (not log odds). FT, 22.7.2003. # # data(older) # reading data x <- older[,1:6] # preliminary manipulations counts <- older[,7] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) colnames(x) # names of columns rngseed(1234) m <- c(1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,5,6,0,4,3) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in # Schafer's p. 327 # do analysis with different priors theta <- ecm.cat(s,m,prior=1.5) # Strong pull to uniform table # for initial estimates prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Burn-in period prior=0.1) prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Id. with second prior prior=1.5) lodds <- matrix(0,5000,2) # Where to store log odds ratios. oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table. o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/ (x[1,2]*x[2,1]) return(o) } for(i in 1:5000) { # Now generate 5000 log odds prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,prob1, prior=0.1) t1 <- apply(prob1,c(1,2),sum) # Marginal GD table # Log odds ratio lodds[i,1] <- log(oddsr(t1)) prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,prob2, prior=1.5) # Id. with second prior t2 <- apply(prob2,c(1,2),sum) lodds[i,2] <- log(oddsr(t2)) } lodds <- as.data.frame(lodds) colnames(lodds) <- c("0.1","1.5") # Similar to Schafer's Fig. 8.4. boxplot(lodds,xlab="Prior hyperparameter") title(main="Log odds ratio generated with DABIPF (5000 draws)") summary(lodds)
Finds ML estimate or posterior mode of cell probabilities under a hierarchical loglinear model
ecm.cat(s, margins, start, prior=1, showits=TRUE, maxits=1000, eps=0.0001)
ecm.cat(s, margins, start, prior=1, showits=TRUE, maxits=1000, eps=0.0001)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset produced by
the function |
margins |
vector describing the sufficient configurations or margins
in the desired loglinear model. A margin is described by the factors
not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus
c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins
in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association.
The integers 1,2,... in the specified margins correspond to the
columns of the original data matrix |
start |
optional starting value of the parameter. This is an array with
dimensions |
prior |
optional vector of hyperparameters for a Dirichlet prior distribution.
The default is a uniform prior distribution (all hyperparameters = 1)
on the cell probabilities, which will result in maximum likelihood
estimation. If structural zeros appear in the table, a prior should be
supplied with |
showits |
if |
maxits |
maximum number of iterations performed. The algorithm will stop if the parameter still has not converged after this many iterations. |
eps |
convergence criterion. This is the largest proportional change in an expected cell count from one iteration to the next. Any expected cell count that drops below 1E-07 times the average cell probability (1/number of non-structural zero cells) is set to zero during the iterations. |
At each iteration, performs an E-step followed by a single cycle of iterative proportional fitting.
array of dimension s$d
containing the ML estimate or posterior mode,
assuming that ECM has converged by maxits
If zero cell counts occur in the observed-data tables, the maximum likelihood estimate may not be unique, and the algorithm may converge to different stationary values depending on the starting value. Also, if zero cell counts occur in the observed-data tables, the ML estimate may lie on the boundary of the parameter space. Supplying a prior with hyperparameters greater than one will give a unique posterior mode in the interior of the parameter space. Estimated probabilities for structural zero cells will always be zero.
Schafer (1996), Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8
X. L. Meng and D. B. Rubin (1991), "IPF for contingency tables with missing data via the ECM algorithm," Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, Amer. Stat. Assoc., 244–247.
, em.cat
, logpost.cat
data(older) # load data # # Example 1 # older[1:2,] # see partial content; older.frame also # available. s <- prelim.cat(older[,-7],older[,7]) # preliminary manipulations m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,3,4) # margins for restricted model try(thetahat1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m))# will complain thetahat2 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m,prior=1.1) # same model with prior information logpost.cat(s,thetahat2) # loglikelihood under thetahat2 # # Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.) # m1 <- c(1,2,3,5,6,0,1,2,4,5,6,0,3,4) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in # Schafer's p. 327 theta1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m1, prior=1.1) # Prior to bring MLE away from boundary. m2 <- c(1,2,3,5,6,0,1,2,4,5,6) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD) theta2 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m2, prior=1.1) lik1 <- logpost.cat(s,theta1) # posterior log likelihood. lik2 <- logpost.cat(s,theta2) # id. for restricted model. lrt <- -2*(lik2-lik1) # for testing significance of (GD) p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt,1) # significance level cat("LRT statistic for \n(ASMPG)(ASMPD) vs. (ASMPG)(ASMPD)(GD): ",lrt," with p-value = ",p)
data(older) # load data # # Example 1 # older[1:2,] # see partial content; older.frame also # available. s <- prelim.cat(older[,-7],older[,7]) # preliminary manipulations m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,3,4) # margins for restricted model try(thetahat1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m))# will complain thetahat2 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m,prior=1.1) # same model with prior information logpost.cat(s,thetahat2) # loglikelihood under thetahat2 # # Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.) # m1 <- c(1,2,3,5,6,0,1,2,4,5,6,0,3,4) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in # Schafer's p. 327 theta1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m1, prior=1.1) # Prior to bring MLE away from boundary. m2 <- c(1,2,3,5,6,0,1,2,4,5,6) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD) theta2 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m2, prior=1.1) lik1 <- logpost.cat(s,theta1) # posterior log likelihood. lik2 <- logpost.cat(s,theta2) # id. for restricted model. lrt <- -2*(lik2-lik1) # for testing significance of (GD) p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt,1) # significance level cat("LRT statistic for \n(ASMPG)(ASMPD) vs. (ASMPG)(ASMPD)(GD): ",lrt," with p-value = ",p)
Finds ML estimate or posterior mode of cell probabilities under the saturated multinomial model.
em.cat(s, start, prior=1, showits=TRUE, maxits=1000, eps=0.0001)
em.cat(s, start, prior=1, showits=TRUE, maxits=1000, eps=0.0001)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset produced by
the function |
start |
optional starting value of the parameter. This is an array with
dimensions |
prior |
optional vector of hyperparameters for a Dirichlet prior distribution.
The default is a uniform prior distribution (all hyperparameters = 1)
on the cell probabilities, which will result in maximum likelihood
estimation. If structural zeros appear in the table, a prior should be
supplied with |
showits |
if |
maxits |
maximum number of iterations performed. The algorithm will stop if the parameter still has not converged after this many iterations. |
eps |
convergence criterion. This is the largest proportional change in an expected cell count from one iteration to the next. Any expected cell count that drops below 1E-07 times the average cell probability (1/number of non-structural zero cells) is set to zero during the iterations. |
array of dimension s$d
containing the ML estimate or posterior mode,
assuming that EM has converged by maxits
If zero cell counts occur in the observed-data table, the maximum likelihood estimate may not be unique, and the algorithm may converge to different stationary values depending on the starting value. Also, if zero cell counts occur in the observed-data table, the ML estimate may lie on the boundary of the parameter space. Supplying a prior with hyperparameters greater than one will give a unique posterior mode in the interior of the parameter space. Estimated probabilities for structural zero cells will always be zero.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Section 7.3.
, ecm.cat
, logpost.cat
data(crimes) crimes s <- prelim.cat(crimes[,1:2],crimes[,3]) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # mle under saturated model logpost.cat(s,thetahat) # loglikelihood at thetahat
data(crimes) crimes s <- prelim.cat(crimes[,1:2],crimes[,3]) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # mle under saturated model logpost.cat(s,thetahat) # loglikelihood at thetahat
Performs single random imputation of missing values in a categorical dataset under a user-supplied value of the underlying cell probabilities.
imp.cat(s, theta)
imp.cat(s, theta)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
theta |
parameter value under which the missing data are to be imputed.
This is an array of cell probabilities of dimension |
Missing data are drawn independently for each observational unit from
their conditional predictive distribution given the observed data and
If the original incomplete dataset was in ungrouped format
), then a matrix like s$x
except that all NA
s have
been filled in.
If the original dataset was grouped, then a list with the following components:
x |
Matrix of levels for categorical variables |
counts |
vector of length |
IMPORTANT: The random number generator seed must be set by the
function rngseed
at least once in the current session before this
function can be used.
, rngseed
, em.cat
, da.cat
, mda.cat
, ecm.cat
data(crimes) x <- crimes[,-3] counts <- crimes[,3] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # find ML estimate under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random number generator seed theta <- da.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from MLE ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute once under theta theta <- da.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute again under new theta
data(crimes) x <- crimes[,-3] counts <- crimes[,3] s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # find ML estimate under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random number generator seed theta <- da.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from MLE ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute once under theta theta <- da.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute again under new theta
ML estimation for hierarchical loglinear models via conventional iterative proportional fitting (IPF).
ipf(table, margins, start, eps=0.0001, maxits=50, showits=TRUE)
ipf(table, margins, start, eps=0.0001, maxits=50, showits=TRUE)
table |
contingency table (array) to be fit by a log-linear model. All elements must be non-negative. |
margins |
vector describing the marginal totals to be fitted. A margin is described by the factors not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate fitting the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association. |
start |
starting value for IPF algorithm. The default is a uniform table.
If structural zeros appear in |
eps |
convergence criterion. This is the largest proportional change in an expected cell count from one iteration to the next. Any expected cell count that drops below 1E-07 times the average cell probability (1/number of non-structural zero cells) is set to zero during the iterations. |
maxits |
maximum number of iterations performed. The algorithm will stop if the parameter still has not converged after this many iterations. |
showits |
if |
array like table
, but containing fitted values (expected
frequencies) under the loglinear model.
This function is usually used to compute ML estimates for a loglinear
model. For ML estimates, the array table
should contain the observed
frequencies from a cross-classified contingency table. Because this is
the "cell-means" version of IPF, the resulting fitted values will add
up to equals sum(table)
. To obtain estimated cell probabilities,
rescale the fitted values to sum to one.
This function may also be used to compute the posterior mode of the
multinomial cell probabilities under a Dirichlet prior. For a
posterior mode, set the elements of table
to (observed frequencies +
Dirichlet hyperparameters - 1). Then, after running IPF, rescale the
fitted values to sum to one.
This function is essentially the same as the old S function loglin
, but
results are computed to double precision. See help(loglin)
for more
Agresti, A. (1990) Categorical Data Analysis. J. Wiley & Sons, New York.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.
data(HairEyeColor) # load data m=c(1,2,0,1,3,0,2,3) # no three-way interaction fit1 <- ipf(HairEyeColor,margins=m, showits=TRUE) # fit model X2 <- sum((HairEyeColor-fit1)^2/fit1) # Pearson chi square statistic df <- prod(dim(HairEyeColor)-1) # Degrees of freedom for this example 1 - pchisq(X2,df) # p-value for fit1
data(HairEyeColor) # load data m=c(1,2,0,1,3,0,2,3) # no three-way interaction fit1 <- ipf(HairEyeColor,margins=m, showits=TRUE) # fit model X2 <- sum((HairEyeColor-fit1)^2/fit1) # Pearson chi square statistic df <- prod(dim(HairEyeColor)-1) # Degrees of freedom for this example 1 - pchisq(X2,df) # p-value for fit1
Calculates the observed-data loglikelihood or log-posterior density for incomplete categorical data under a specified value of the underlying cell probabilities, e.g. as resulting from em.cat or ecm.cat.
logpost.cat(s, theta, prior)
logpost.cat(s, theta, prior)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
theta |
an array of cell probabilities of dimension |
prior |
optional vector of hyperparameters for a Dirichlet prior distribution. The default is a uniform prior distribution (all hyperparameters = 1) on the cell probabilities, which will result in evaluation of the loglikelihood. If structural zeros appear in the table, a prior should be supplied with NAs in those cells and ones (or other hyperparameters) elsewhere. |
This is the loglikelihood or log-posterior density that ignores the missing-data mechanism.
the value of the observed-data loglikelihood or log-posterior density
function at theta
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall. Section 7.3.
data(older) # load data older[1:2,c(1:4,7)] # see partial content; older.frame also # available. s <- prelim.cat(older[,1:4],older[,7]) # preliminary manipulations m <- c(1,2,0,3,4) # margins for restricted model thetahat1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m) # mle logpost.cat(s,thetahat1) # loglikelihood at thetahat1
data(older) # load data older[1:2,c(1:4,7)] # see partial content; older.frame also # available. s <- prelim.cat(older[,1:4],older[,7]) # preliminary manipulations m <- c(1,2,0,3,4) # margins for restricted model thetahat1 <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m) # mle logpost.cat(s,thetahat1) # loglikelihood at thetahat1
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating draws from the
observed-data posterior distribution of underlying cell probabilities
under a saturated multinomial model. May be used in conjunction with
to create proper multiple imputations. Tends to converge
more quickly than da.cat
when the pattern of observed data is nearly
mda.cat(s, start, steps=1, prior=0.5, showits=FALSE)
mda.cat(s, start, steps=1, prior=0.5, showits=FALSE)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
start |
starting value of the parameter. This is an array of cell
probabilities of dimension |
steps |
number of data augmentation steps to be taken. Each step consists of an imputation or I-step followed by a posterior or P-step. |
prior |
optional vector of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet prior
distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all hyperparameters =
supplied with hyperparameters set to |
showits |
if |
At each step, the missing data are randomly imputed under their
predictive distribution given the observed data and the current value
of theta
(I-step) Unlike da.cat
, however, not all of the missing
data are filled in, but only enough to complete a monotone pattern.
Then a new value of theta
is drawn from its Dirichlet posterior
distribution given the monotone data (P-step). After a suitable
number of steps are taken, the resulting value of the parameter may be
regarded as a random draw from its observed-data posterior
For good performance, the variables in the original data matrix x
(which is used to create s
) should be ordered according to their
rates of missingness from most observed (in the first columns) to
least observed (in the last columns).
an array like start
containing simulated cell probabilities.
IMPORTANT: The random number generator seed must be set at least once
by the function rngseed
before this function can be used.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 7.
, rngseed
, da.cat
, imp.cat
data(older) x <- older[1:80,1:4] # subset of the data with counts <- older[1:80,7] # monotone pattern. s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # mle under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random generator seed theta <- mda.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from mle ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute under theta theta <- mda.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute under new theta
data(older) x <- older[1:80,1:4] # subset of the data with counts <- older[1:80,7] # monotone pattern. s <- prelim.cat(x,counts) # preliminary manipulations thetahat <- em.cat(s) # mle under saturated model rngseed(7817) # set random generator seed theta <- mda.cat(s,thetahat,50) # take 50 steps from mle ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute under theta theta <- mda.cat(s,theta,50) # take another 50 steps ximp <- imp.cat(s,theta) # impute under new theta
Combines estimates and standard errors from m complete-data analyses performed on m imputed datasets to produce a single inference. Uses the technique described by Rubin (1987) for multiple imputation inference for a scalar estimand.
mi.inference(est, std.err, confidence=0.95)
mi.inference(est, std.err, confidence=0.95)
est |
a list of $m$ (at least 2) vectors representing estimates (e.g., vectors of estimated regression coefficients) from complete-data analyses performed on $m$ imputed datasets. |
std.err |
a list of $m$ vectors containing standard errors from the
complete-data analyses corresponding to the estimates in |
confidence |
desired coverage of interval estimates. |
a list with the following components, each of which is a vector of the
same length as the components of est
and std.err
est |
the average of the complete-data estimates. |
std.err |
standard errors incorporating both the between and the within-imputation uncertainty (the square root of the "total variance"). |
df |
degrees of freedom associated with the t reference distribution used for interval estimates. |
signif |
P-values for the two-tailed hypothesis tests that the estimated quantities are equal to zero. |
lower |
lower limits of the (100*confidence)% interval estimates. |
upper |
upper limits of the (100*confidence)% interval estimates. |
r |
estimated relative increases in variance due to nonresponse. |
fminf |
estimated fractions of missing information. |
Uses the method described on pp. 76-77 of Rubin (1987) for combining the complete-data estimates from $m$ imputed datasets for a scalar estimand. Significance levels and interval estimates are approximately valid for each one-dimensional estimand, not for all of them jointly.
Fienberg, S.E. (1981) The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Rubin (1987) Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys, Wiley, New York,
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.
# # Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version, # using a much shorter length of chain than required. To # generate results comparable with those in the book, edit # the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one. # data(belt) attach(belt.frame) oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table. o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/ (x[1,2]*x[2,1]) o.sd <- sqrt(1/x[1,1] + # large sample S.D. (Fienberg, 1/x[1,2] + # p. 18) 1/x[2,1] + 1/x[2,2]) return(list(o=o,sd=o.sd)) } colns <- colnames(belt.frame) a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6), c(1,3,5),c(1,4,6),c(2,4,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2) # (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329 s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7]) m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6) theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558 maxits=5000) # iterations. rngseed(1234) # # Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are # generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation. # Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Schafer's p. 329 # est <- std.error <- vector("list",10) for (i in 1:10) { cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n") theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next # statement should be run, # rather than this one. ## Not run: theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500) imp<- imp.cat(s,theta) imp.frame <- cbind(imp$x,imp$counts) colnames(imp.frame) <- colns a <- xtabs(Freq ~ B2 + I2, # 2 x 2 table relating belt use data=imp.frame) # and injury print(a) odds <- oddsr(a) # odds ratio and std.dev. est[[i]] <- odds$o - 1 # check deviations from 1 of std.error[[i]] <- odds$sd # odds ratio } odds <- mi.inference(est,std.error) print(odds) detach(belt.frame)
# # Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version, # using a much shorter length of chain than required. To # generate results comparable with those in the book, edit # the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one. # data(belt) attach(belt.frame) oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table. o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/ (x[1,2]*x[2,1]) o.sd <- sqrt(1/x[1,1] + # large sample S.D. (Fienberg, 1/x[1,2] + # p. 18) 1/x[2,1] + 1/x[2,2]) return(list(o=o,sd=o.sd)) } colns <- colnames(belt.frame) a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1, data=belt.frame) m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6), c(1,3,5),c(1,4,6),c(2,4,6)) b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2) # (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329 s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7]) m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6) theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558 maxits=5000) # iterations. rngseed(1234) # # Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are # generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation. # Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Schafer's p. 329 # est <- std.error <- vector("list",10) for (i in 1:10) { cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n") theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next # statement should be run, # rather than this one. ## Not run: theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500) imp<- imp.cat(s,theta) imp.frame <- cbind(imp$x,imp$counts) colnames(imp.frame) <- colns a <- xtabs(Freq ~ B2 + I2, # 2 x 2 table relating belt use data=imp.frame) # and injury print(a) odds <- oddsr(a) # odds ratio and std.dev. est[[i]] <- odds$o - 1 # check deviations from 1 of std.error[[i]] <- odds$sd # odds ratio } odds <- mi.inference(est,std.error) print(odds) detach(belt.frame)
Data from the Protective Services Project for Older Persons
The data frame older.frame
contains the following columns:
Mental status
ysical status
Survival status (deceased or not)
Group membership: E=experimental, C=control)
Age: Under75 and 75+
Sex: Male or Female
A matrix older
with similarley named columns exists that can be input
directly to functions which do not admit data frames.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Section 7.3.5.
This function performs grouping and sorting operations on categorical datasets with missing values. It creates a list that is needed for input to em.cat, da.cat, imp.cat, etc.
prelim.cat(x, counts, levs)
prelim.cat(x, counts, levs)
x |
categorical data matrix containing missing values. The data may be
provided either in ungrouped or grouped format. In ungrouped format,
the rows of x correspond to individual observational units, so that
nrow(x) is the total sample size. In grouped format, the rows of x
correspond to distinct covariate patterns; the frequencies are
provided through the |
counts |
optional vector of length |
levs |
optional vector of length |
a list of seventeen components that summarize various features of x after the data have been sorted by missingness patterns and grouped according to the observed values. Components that might be of interest to the user include:
nmis |
a vector of length |
r |
matrix of response indicators showing the missing data patterns in x. Dimension is (m,p) where m is number of distinct missingness patterns in the rows of x, and p is the number of columns in x. Observed values are indicated by 1 and missing values by 0. The row names give the number of observations in each pattern, and the columns correspond to the columns of x. |
d |
vector of length |
ncells |
number of cells in the cross-classified contingency table, equal to
Chapters 7–8 of Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall.
, ecm.cat
, da.cat
, dabipf
, imp.cat
data(crimes) crimes s <- prelim.cat(crimes[,1:2],crimes[,3]) # preliminary manipulations s$nmis # see number of missing observations per variable s$r # look at missing data patterns
data(crimes) crimes s <- prelim.cat(crimes[,1:2],crimes[,3]) # preliminary manipulations s$nmis # see number of missing observations per variable s$r # look at missing data patterns
Seeds the random number generator
seed |
a positive number, preferably a large integer. |
The random number generator seed must be set at least once
by this function before the simulation or imputation functions
in this package (da.cat
, imp.cat
, etc.) can be used.